The Power of Being Chosen

As a kid, being chosen during recess was the ultimate confidence boost. It didn’t matter what game we were playing—I felt proud and invincible when I was picked. I knew someone wanted me, and that made me feel valuable. On the flip side, when I wasn’t chosen, it hurt. My confidence took a serious hit, and my ego was bruised.

The Emotional Rollercoaster of Rejection and Acceptance

Later in life, the college recruiting process brought the same emotional highs and lows. Every rejection from a school left me feeling dejected, but when Purdue accepted me, I was on top of the world. And when it came to relationships, all the heartbreaks and breakups faded compared to the moment my wife chose me.

In those moments of being chosen, I felt like I mattered. But when I wasn’t, my confidence plummeted. It took time to realize that my worth wasn’t defined by others’ choices—I had already been chosen most importantly.

Realizing You’re Already Chosen

Maybe I wasn’t picked to be a star athlete, a world-changing leader, or a famous singer. Maybe I was passed over for that promotion, let go from that job, or lost that relationship. But I was chosen for something much more valuable—I was chosen to be alive, right here, right now. That alone is an incredible gift, and for that, I should be ecstatic.

Think about it—how many things had to align perfectly for you to be here today? You needed two parents, four grandparents, eight great-grandparents, and the list goes on. Your existence isn’t the result of random chance. You were chosen, and that means you bring value to the world.

You Have Purpose—Stop Doubting Yourself

So today, stop feeling sorry for yourself. Stop comparing your journey to others. Don’t let the “no’s” hold you down, and silence that negative self-talk. Instead, approach your day with purpose and confidence, because you were chosen.

I can still remember how defeated I felt after being turned down in my first few job interviews. But when Mountain Pointe High School chose me to be a teacher and coach, I felt immense pride.

You, too, were chosen for a reason. Now go out and make the most of it.